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Ghost Sundel Bolong

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Ghost Sundel Bolong is a curious spirit of women who die because of being raped and later gave birth to  her son  in the  tomb. Sundel Bolong according to the myth also like to steal the babies who had just  been born. Sundel Bolong according to the myth is very shy with holes in his body and always trying to cover it.

Ghost Sundel Bolong is said often incarnated as a beautiful woman walking alone on a deserted road. There are allegations that this myth first created and deployed in the archipelago to avoid the women who walk alone at night in rural areas of disturbance of men who intend evil, especially for rape.

a/n Corner Mystery - Ghost Sundel Bolong

cornermystery@gmail.com (Wahyu Ardhana Riswari) 22 Feb, 2011

Source: http://www.cornermystery.com/2011/02/ghost-sundel-bolong.html
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