Wayang is one of the nation's top arts and culture of Indonesia's most prominent among the many works of other cultures. Culture wayang include acting, singing, music, speech arts, literary arts, painting, sculpture, and art is also symbolic. Culture of Wayang, which continues to grow over time, also a lighting media, propaganda, education, entertainment, philosophical understanding, and entertainment.
According to the research of historians of culture, culture of wayang an Indonesian native culture, especially in Java. The existence of wayang was many centuries before the Hindus go to the island of Java. Although a popular Wayang story in today's society is an adaptation of the works of Indian literature, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Both the main story in the pewayangan undergone many changes and additions to adapt them to the original philosophy of Indonesia.
a/n Corner Mystery - Culture of Wayang Kulit
cornermystery@gmail.com (Wahyu Ardhana Riswari) 14 Feb, 2011
Source: http://www.cornermystery.com/2011/02/culture-of-wayang-kulit.html
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